High Performance Reservoir/Tank Leveller Valve 32/40/50 HLEVELLERS

SKU: 652557

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The Hansen Leveller Valve enables you to set a minimum and maximum fill height in your tank to stop pumps and water systems cycling (continually switching on and off). This valve has been designed for soft open and close to prevent water hammer and increasing pump and water systems life expectancy. The Hansen Leveller Valve will operate reliably in high and low pressures and in clean and dirty water conditions.

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The Hansen Leveller Valve enables you to set a minimum and maximum fill height in your tank to stop pumps and water systems cycling (continually switching on and off). This valve has been designed for soft open and close to prevent water hammer and increasing pump and water systems life expectancy. The Hansen Leveller Valve will operate reliably in high and low pressures and in clean and dirty water conditions.


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