First Flush Inground Diverter Kit Dual Fit Inlet Only 90/100mm

SKU: 753032

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A high volume first flush diverter, designed specifically for inground applications. Divert the dirtiest water and transform your rain harvesting system from wet to dry with this large volume inground first flush diverter. This design uses large diameter, 300mm pipe to create the first flush diversion chamber - it's a straight forward design that's been trusted for years.

12 Months
Product Range

First Flush

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A high volume first flush diverter, designed specifically for inground applications. Divert the dirtiest water and transform your rain harvesting system from wet to dry with this large volume inground first flush diverter. This design uses large diameter, 300mm pipe to create the first flush diversion chamber - it's a straight forward design that's been trusted for years.

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12 Months

Product Range

First Flush

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