Hot Water Cylinder Low Pressure Copper Wetback 180L 2kW 54518013

SKU: 647330

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Low pressure wetback cylinders can reduce both the cost and the environmental impact of your hot water heating. Water from your cylinder is circulated through a pipe arrangement that fits in the back of a heat source (often a firebox) and is heated using some of the heat from the fire. When connected to an appropriate burner, a wetback provides a boost to water heating during the coldest parts of the year. Rheem wetback water heaters are ideal for colder climates where space heating is used frequently.

Product Range

Low Pressure


60 CM


145 CM


60 CM


35.00 KGS

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Low pressure wetback cylinders can reduce both the cost and the environmental impact of your hot water heating. Water from your cylinder is circulated through a pipe arrangement that fits in the back of a heat source (often a firebox) and is heated using some of the heat from the fire. When connected to an appropriate burner, a wetback provides a boost to water heating during the coldest parts of the year. Rheem wetback water heaters are ideal for colder climates where space heating is used frequently.

Product Range

Low Pressure


60 CM


145 CM


60 CM


35.00 KGS

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