WWK 222 (H) Hot Water Heat Pump 220L 233209

SKU: 752507

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The WWK 222 (H) and the WWK 302 (H) are compact domestic hot water heat pumps designed specifically for outdoor installation in New Zealand to supply domestic hot water to several draw-off points. Our heat pumps utilise the energy in the air to create environmentally friendly hot water all year round. SG Ready implementation of connecting the STIEBEL ELTRON WWK hot water heat pump allows for a higher water temperature and more �free� hot water.

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The WWK 222 (H) and the WWK 302 (H) are compact domestic hot water heat pumps designed specifically for outdoor installation in New Zealand to supply domestic hot water to several draw-off points. Our heat pumps utilise the energy in the air to create environmentally friendly hot water all year round. SG Ready implementation of connecting the STIEBEL ELTRON WWK hot water heat pump allows for a higher water temperature and more �free� hot water.

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