Tungsten Smart-Heat Outdoor Electric Heater 2kW Black 2620262

SKU: 724674

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This outdoor electric heater with a 2 kW heat output is a perfect addition to your home. The mesh screen contains tungsten's front cover that controls the infrared energy in order to maximize performance and spread the heat. Translucent-fused quartz consists of a thick steel coil that creates a high output element and emits a soft red glow. Mirror-finished parabolic specular reflector at the back side channels the lost infrared energy in the direction of the target.

Product Range

Tungsten Smart-Heat

This outdoor electric heater with a 2 kW heat output is a perfect addition to your home. The mesh screen contains tungsten's front cover that controls the infrared energy in order to maximize performance and spread the heat. Translucent-fused quartz consists of a thick steel coil that creates a high output element and emits a soft red glow. Mirror-finished parabolic specular reflector at the back side channels the lost infrared energy in the direction of the target.

Product Range

Tungsten Smart-Heat

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